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Top 10 Foods to Avoid While Taking Ozempic

Written by Andrew Le, MD

UpdatedMarch 7, 2024

Consuming the wrong foods while taking Ozempic may lead to unexpected spikes or drops in blood sugar levels, making it difficult to manage diabetes effectively. This could result in discomfort and health complications such as gastrointestinal problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis.

Knowing which foods to avoid while taking Ozempic is important for getting the best results from your treatment. It can be disheartening to stick to your medication schedule only to find out that the foods you eat are hindering your progress. This can lead to disappointment and concern about achieving your health goals.

In this article, you'll find out how Ozempic works, how food affects blood sugar, the top 10 foods to avoid while on Ozempic, healthy alternatives, and tips for managing side effects.

🔑 Key Takeaways

  • Eating the wrong foods when using Ozempic can cause unexpected blood sugar spikes or drops, making diabetes management challenging.
  • Ozempic is an FDA-approved medication for adults with type 2 diabetes.
  • Ozempic mimics a naturally occurring hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which signals to the brain that you are full, reducing your appetite and slowing digestion.
  • Maintaining steady blood sugar levels is really important for people on Ozempic, and it's good to know that different foods can affect blood sugar in different ways.
  • High-sugar, high-fat, and refined carbohydrate foods should be avoided while taking Ozempic to maximize the effectiveness of the medication and prevent complications.
  • A healthy diet is crucial to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, and poor diet is estimated to have caused more than 14.1 million new cases in 2018, making up over 70% of new diagnoses worldwide.

Understanding How Ozempic Works

Ozempic is a medication that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in adults with type 2 diabetes. Its generic name is semaglutide, and it is administered through a weekly injection.

The medication works by aiding the pancreas in producing more insulin and lowering blood sugar levels. Not officially approved for weight loss, some physicians prescribe it off-label for this purpose due to its effects on hunger and digestion, which can lead to weight loss.

Ozempic mimics a naturally occurring hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). This hormone signals the brain that you are full, reducing your appetite and slowing digestion. While beneficial, these digestive alterations may result in gastrointestinal side effects such as:

Adjusting food choices can mitigate these symptoms, as certain foods exacerbate or alleviate Ozempic's gastrointestinal effects.


Controlling diabetes can be tough, and medicines like Ozempic are popular because they work well at keeping blood sugar levels in check. To help you find the best alternatives to Ozempic, we have compiled a list of options that can help manage diabetes effectively. Our top picks are safe, easy to use, and have shown promising results in controlling blood sugar levels.

The Impact of Food on Blood Sugar

Keeping your blood sugar levels steady is crucial for those using Ozempic. It is essential to understand that different types of food can have varying effects on blood sugar levels. Eating too many refined carbs can make your blood sugar shoot up fast. But foods with lots of fiber, protein, and good fats can help slow down how quickly sugar gets into your blood.

This means your blood sugar goes up more slowly. Keeping a healthy diet is important to avoid developing type 2 diabetes. In 2018, poor diets contributed to more than 14.1 million new cases of type 2 diabetes, accounting for over 70% of new diagnoses worldwide.

Knowing how various foods affect your blood sugar levels can help you make smart food choices while on Ozempic.This can keep your blood sugar steady and make you healthier overall.

Top 10 Foods to Avoid While Taking Ozempic

If you are taking Ozempic, it is essential to be cautious of the foods you consume. This is because some foods can impact the effectiveness of your treatment, and some are more likely to raise your blood glucose levels above your target range. To ensure that you get the most benefit from your medication, here are the top ten foods you should avoid while taking Ozempic.

1. High-Sugar Foods


When taking Ozempic, avoiding high-sugar foods is essential as they can adversely affect your health. Sugary pastries or candies can cause a rise in blood glucose levels, which is particularly concerning for nearly 50% of US adults with prediabetes or diabetes. Sugar slows down gastric emptying, and it is therefore recommended to avoid sugar-filled foods such as:

  • Candy
  • Cakes
  • Cookies
  • Pies and cobblers
  • Sweet rolls,
  • Pastries
  • Doughnuts
  • Ice cream

Not keeping sugar intake in check could prevent Ozempic from working properly and increase the risk of developing complications from type 2 diabetes.

2. High-Fat Foods


If you are taking Ozempic, it is important to remember that consuming high-fat foods can cause additional gastrointestinal discomfort. Some examples of high-fat foods to avoid include:

  • Fried foods
  • Fatty meats
  • Whole milk
  • Heavy cream
  • Full-fat cheese
  • Butter
  • Ice cream
  • Red meats

These foods take longer to digest, leading to slower medication absorption. This can delay the medication's effectiveness, affecting its ability to manage blood sugar levels. In addition, high-fat diets have been shown to reduce the efficacy of GLP-1 receptor agonists, which can result in higher blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is essential for those taking Ozempic to be mindful of their dietary choices and to limit their intake of high-fat foods to maximize the effectiveness of the medication.

3. Refined Carbohydrates


When taking Ozempic, you are advised to avoid consuming refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are typically found in foods such as:

  • White bread
  • White flour
  • Bagels and baked goods
  • Tortillas
  • White rice
  • Crackers
  • Cereals

These foods are processed and stripped of fiber, making them easier for your body to digest quickly. As a result, these foods can rapidly increase your insulin and blood sugar levels shortly after you consume them.

For people aiming to control their blood sugar, this can pose a challenge, causing sudden highs and lows that are hard to handle. That's why eating whole foods rich in fiber and slow-burning carbs is advised to keep blood sugar stable.

4. Alcohol


Consuming alcohol while taking Ozempic can cause more severe gastrointestinal symptoms and increase the risk of serious side effects such as damage to the stomach lining. Ozempic can also significantly decrease blood sugar levels, especially for those using insulin. Alcohol can make the side effects of Ozempic worse, which include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

People with diabetes who consume alcohol over an extended period are at a greater risk of developing complications, including:

Therefore, keep a close eye on blood sugar levels and follow safety guidelines, such as avoiding drinking on an empty stomach, staying hydrated, and having low-blood sugar snacks available.

5. Processed Foods


Processed foods are another category that should be avoided while taking Ozempic. Processed foods are generally high in sodium, and unhealthy fats, which can negatively affect your health and interfere with the effectiveness of Ozempic. Examples of processed foods include:

  • Bacon
  • Sausage
  • Ham
  • Salami
  • Paté

Consuming processed foods regularly can lead to weight gain, obesity, and other health complications. Therefore, limiting your intake of processed foods while taking Ozempic is important, and opt for healthier, whole-food options instead.

6. Carbonated Beverages


Carbonated beverages can be harmful to your digestive system when taken with Ozempic. They can cause bubbles in your esophagus and stomach, leading to burping and acid reflux. This can result in nausea and vomiting, especially when your stomach is full.

Carbonated beverages include:

  • Soda
  • Sparkling waters
  • Low-calorie carbonated drinks

Some of these drinks contain added sugars, while others are sugar-free. You can check the food label to see if a drink has added sugars.

While it's not necessary to eliminate carbonated drinks from your diet, you should monitor how they affect your body. If you notice any side effects, you should limit or avoid them altogether. However, avoiding sugary carbonated beverages is highly recommended due to their high sugar content.

7. High-Sodium Foods


When on Ozempic, it's best to steer clear of high-sodium foods as they can cause high blood pressure. This is a well-established risk factor for heart disease, which is concerning because diabetes already raises the risk of developing heart problems. Therefore, effective management of blood pressure levels is crucial.

Some examples of high-sodium foods that should be avoided include:

  • Smoked, cured, salted, or canned meat
  • Fish or poultry include bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines, caviar, and anchovies.
  • Canned entrees such as ravioli, spam, soups, chili, and salted nuts

Limiting sodium intake and choosing low-sodium foods to maintain a healthy blood pressure level while taking Ozempic is essential. This way, you can reduce the risk of developing heart disease and manage your blood pressure levels effectively.

8. High-Glycemic Starchy Vegetables


High-glycemic starchy vegetables are another type of food that individuals should avoid while taking Ozempic. Examples of high-glycemic starchy vegetables include:

  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Plantain (a fruit that's used as a vegetable, like squash or tomatoes)
  • Sweet potatoes and yams
  • Rutabaga
  • Pumpkin
  • Beets

These vegetables contain high carbohydrate content, making your blood sugar shoot up fast. Eating fewer of these vegetables or avoiding them altogether is best to control your blood sugar better.

9. Fast Foods


Fast food is typically high in calories, unhealthy fats, and sugar. Some examples of fast foods include:

  • Fries
  • Hamburger
  • Cheeseburger
  • Sandwich
  • Milkshake
  • Muffin
  • Burrito
  • Taco
  • Hot dogs

These foods can increase your blood sugar, which counteracts the benefits of Ozempic. Plus, fast food can make you gain weight, making the effects of diabetes even worse.

10. Caffeine


A study has shown that caffeine can increase insulin production in individuals with normal insulin responses, thus decreasing blood sugar levels. However, for people taking Ozempic, this effect can lead to unexpected consequences. Ozempic works by slowing down the rate at which food is digested and absorbed in the body, causing a decrease in blood sugar levels.

When caffeine is consumed in combination with Ozempic, it can result in further reduction of blood sugar levels and trigger side effects such as:

  • Shaking
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heart rate

Therefore, limiting or avoiding caffeine intake while taking Ozempic is generally recommended to prevent any undesirable side effects.

Healthy Alternative Foods While Taking Ozempic

When taking Ozempic, consuming foods and beverages that do not cause sudden spikes or drops in blood sugar levels is essential. This is crucial to maintain stable blood sugar levels and to ensure that Ozempic and other diabetes medications can function at their optimal levels.

The recommended foods to eat while taking Ozempic include:

  • Non-starchy vegetables: These should cover half of your plate according to the Diabetes Plate Method recommended by the American Diabetes Association. Examples include leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers.
  • Protein foods: Make sure a quarter of your plate is filled with protein sources. This can be lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, or tofu.
  • Foods with carbohydrates: The remaining quarter of your plate can include foods with carbohydrates, but it's important to choose them wisely. Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, barley, and whole wheat bread. Additionally, include fruits with lower glycemic index, such as berries, apples, and citrus.
  • High-fiber and protein-rich foods: Pairing high-glycemic index foods with high-fiber and protein-rich foods can help reduce their impact on blood glucose levels. This can include adding nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes to your meals.

Tips for Managing Ozempic Side Effects

If you're taking Ozempic, knowing how to manage its side effects is essential. We've put together some practical tips to help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels and minimize any potential risks. These suggestions are aimed at helping you manage any discomfort or adverse effects that may come with taking Ozempic so that you can continue to benefit from this medication safely.

  • Take Ozempic before meals instead of after meals. This timing can optimize its effects on blood sugar control.
  • When consuming carbohydrates, try to include some protein in your meal. This can help balance blood sugar levels.
  • Avoid dairy and fat in the evenings. Consuming less dairy and fat in the evenings may reduce the likelihood of experiencing overnight nausea, heartburn, and belching.
  • Eating slowly can help prevent stomach upset due to slowed stomach emptying.
  • If you are experiencing constipation, gradually adding fiber into your diet can help, but it's important to do so slowly to avoid worsening gas and bloating.
  • Staying hydrated with water and unsweetened beverages can help maintain hydration without impacting blood sugar levels.


Consuming the wrong foods can lead to unexpected spikes or drops in blood sugar levels, making it challenging to manage diabetes effectively. By avoiding high-sugar and high-fat foods and refined carbohydrates, individuals can maximize the effectiveness of Ozempic, reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Additionally, incorporating healthy alternative foods into our diet can help improve overall health and support the medication's intended benefits. With proper dietary management and medication adherence, individuals with diabetes can achieve optimal results from their treatment and improve their quality of life.

FAQs On Foods to Avoid While Taking Ozempic

Can I eat eggs on Ozempic?

Eggs are a good protein source, but the yolk contains a high amount of cholesterol, which can slow down digestion. If you are taking Ozempic or any other medication, it's important to monitor your portion sizes when consuming eggs.

What happens if you eat sugar while taking Ozempic?

Consuming sugary foods and drinks like soda, ice cream, donuts, cookies, and pastries can heighten the probability of experiencing nausea while taking Ozempic. It is advisable to avoid high-sugar foods and refined carbohydrates to reduce the risk of adverse effects.

Is coffee OK with Ozempic?

Having coffee and alcohol in moderation is usually okay with Ozempic, but it's best not to overdo it. Keep in mind, though, both coffee and alcohol can be tough on your stomach. If you often get acid reflux or indigestion, having too much coffee or alcohol while on Ozempic might make your symptoms worse.

Are there any specific foods that I should avoid while taking Ozempic?

Yes, there are certain foods that you should avoid while taking Ozempic. These include high-fat foods, foods high in calories, sugary or processed foods, and foods high in sodium.